Last Sunday my mother-in-law gave me an early father's day present. She allowed me the opportunity to take in some twilight golf. The barometer peaked at about 95 degrees and the humidity was wet enough that a five minute walk in a casual white shirt turned into something you might catch on Cinnemax after dark. The up side was that the sun was blocked most of the time by the ginormous thunderheads moving through. This brings me to my story.
I decided to take Ethan, my four 1/2 year old boy, with me golfing. This summer, he has taken an interest in the sport and I figured we could use some guy time. He did wonderful. As I would tee up, he would stand behind me with his hands on his hips watching my ball with an eagle eye. Then, I would drive the ball and ask if he saw where it went, only to hear him say, "It went that way."
The highlight of the day came on the fourth hole. So far my game was going great. I was driving well, my irons were cooperating, and my putting was dead on. Being that things were going so well, I decided to be a little conservative on the fourth hole. The fourth hole is a par four that doglegs to the right. It is about 350 yards. I usually drive the ball, get as close as I can, and pitch it on the green. Typically when I have done this I slice the ball into a ravine on the right side of the fairway, and have to use an eight iron on a slope. Nevertheless, I used a three wood and drove straight on the fairway. This set me up with an easy 9 iron shot to the green.
As we were walking down the fairway we were confronted with a towering thunderhead. It seemed as though it stretched ten thousand feet high and a thousand feet wide. I almost had to lean back to take it all in; enough to get a neck cramp just looking at it. It curled and rippled in a gleaming white and purple haze. It was an amazing sight to see.
Seeing this thunderheads' majestic display of power, I asked Ethan who made the clouds. He replied, "God does." I answered back, "Even that one" pointing at the thunderhead? He said, "Yep." I then asked, "Is God bigger than that thunderhead up there?" He said, "I guess so." Hearing the hesitation in his voice, I began to explain that "the heavens declare the glory of God and that the sky above proclaims his handy work. Day unto day pours out speech and night unto night reveals knowledge."(Psalm 19:1-2) I also said that if God were to appear in the sky that every single square inch would not be enough to contain Him. Ethan replied, "Wow!" My sentiments exactly.
Of course this sparked his imagination and opened a discourse on what things God is bigger than; trees, birds, buildings, etc. I pitched my ball on the green while listening to Ethan tell all the things God is bigger than. After I said, "Wow Ethan, God is bigger than a lot of stuff." He said, "Ya, God is even bigger that Cincinnati." I chuckled and agreed. It was not as random as you think.
To understand the comment you must know that Ethan recently visited Cincinnati. I took him to a Reds game with a friend of ours. Needless to say he was impressed with the city.
I love to golf. And I am finding I love to golf with my children. I have taken both Naomi and Ethan out on the course. Every time, if I am paying attention, God always presents an opportunity to talk about him with the children. I pray that my eyes are open to more opportunities like this. Not only does it strengthen the faith of my children, but it reminds me of how great of a God I serve. One that is even bigger than Cincinnati. :)
Other Highlights of the Night
I parred three holes that day. A feat in itself for me.
I sunk a 38 foot putt on one of my pars. I gave Ethan about six high fives as I was making a fool of myself. Later on, an older man who witnessed me dancing with Ethan, said that he loved it and made him wish that he would have golfed with his children when they were younger.
I came within 4 feet of sinking a hole in one. One of my best drives of the year.
Ethan dropped his pants to his ankles on the 7th hole to use go number one. In his defense, he told me he had to use the bathroom. Being that it was late and I thought (was mistaken-see second comment) no one was around, I told him to go by some trees. I guess I was not clear enough. He went by some trees... about twenty feet away-out in the open. It was a teaching moment to say the least.