In order to get to Tuesday, we must first start with Sunday. Sunday was a fairly normal day in our house. Except for the fact that I got up to late and was hurried to get Naomi, Ethan, and myself out of the house and to the church for worship practice. It was our first Sunday as a new church. Grace Church of Louisville, a three year old church plant, merged with Franklin Baptist Church, a 100 year old community church. The service was great. Both Mark and Dr. Pennington gave insightful sermonettes. The congregation was filled with testimony of God's goodness and faithfulness over the years.
When we came home, we talked a lot about our circumstances and God's faithfulness. We talked about our lack of money for school, both seminary and home school. We also talked about a lack of clear direction of where God wants us in ministry.
That night, at dinner time, Stacy had a pen and a note card and asked us to list some things we need to pray for. We listed several things, one of them being money for home school curriculum. Stacy asked Naomi to specifically pray for $400.00 for curriculum and supplies. After we were done praying I asked for the kids to say what they are thankful for. Ethan said, " I am thankful for the money God is going to provide." I told him he had good theology.
Now comes Tuesday. It is almost 1pm. I was able to take an hour swim after working at Life Way in the morning. I'm on my way out to meet Alex to take him to work. As I walk through the hallway in the Honeycut Center, I call my wife to see how she is doing. She picks up says the usual. The kids are in chaos and the morning went quick. However, this time their is a particular calm in her voice.
She tells me, " You received a special letter today." I replied, "Oh ya, from who?" "It's a secret. They did not sign their name." she said. Of course, I was curious so I asked her to read it to me. She was hesitant at first. Maybe because she wanted me to experience the same element of surprise as she did. My curiosity got the best of me and I was eager to hear the letter. So she read it...
I know how hard it can be to provide for your family while you are in school. I also
know that you have a large, growing family, and I felt led to share with you out of the
abundance the Lord has granted me. Please except this as the Lord's provision for your
needs, and always trust that He will take care of you no matter how difficult the season
or circumstance. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own
understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and he will make
your paths straight. I love you brother, and I will be praying for you and your family.
Your Friend
Stacy's voice began to break at the beginning of the scripture. By time she finished the letter she was crying and I was holding back. The letter was encouraging on its own. The five $100.00 bills enclosed sent a jolt through my soul; much like a knife or a scalpel. By this time I am standing in front of Alex and his mother. It is hard to not let on the emotions I am felling inside. Part of me wants to erupt in praise to God for His faithfulness. Another part of me just wanted to cry.
That night at dinner time, I shared with the kids what the Lord had done. I spent the better part of fifteen minutes trying to convey what exactly God had done. In the end I asked Naomi if she understood. She said yes. So I asked her, "We prayed for money for school curriculum. We asked for $400.00. God gave us $500.00. Why? She said, "God gave us more than we needed." And then I asked, "We prayed for this on Monday. This letter was sent before then. What do you think? "God knew ahead of time what we needed and provided for us." she said. I cannot convey how proud I was of her and thankful to god that he gave her eyes to see and ears to hear.
The truly wonderful element of all of this is the means at which God uses to ensure we know this is His doing. Proverbs 3:5-6 has been the verse on my heart for the last several weeks. There are times when panic comes over me, sometimes at odd times like when I am in the pool swimming. This verse has been my life vest. Sometimes the weight of life keeps me from enjoying rest at night. This verse has been my sedative. There are times when despair darkens my soul and clouds my eyes from seeing King Jesus. This verse has been my sun shower. There are times when unbelief gains ground in the battle. This verse has been my faith. Psalm 112:1,6-7 says " Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in His commandments...For the righteous will never be moved; he will be remembered forever. He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting the Lord." How true is the word of God.
I am so thankful to God for his faithfulness. I am also thankful for the church. Stacy and I have enjoyed the blessing of giving money to others. Now we are the ones receiving with joy. God moved one of His children to bless another. That saint obeyed and gave graciously with no recognition. I may never know who gave the money, but I do know I look forward to hearing the story in heaven.
Amazing. Simply Amazing. There's no God like Jehovah! Thanks again for letting me come over. I had a blast with the family. You all have a special place in my heart. Keep the faith.