This was the conversation we had this morning in church with Ethan as we were giving out tithes. He reluctantly gave his 12 cents only after Stacy pried it out of his hands. With a frowning face, and heart I might add, Ethan made his way to my lap and sulked for a while. I quietly asked him why he was reluctant to give his money. He put his head down and did not answer. At about that time a gentleman leaned over and gave Ethan a dollar.
At that moment I prayed and asked God to give me the wisdom to deal with Ethan in a way where he would see his glory the most. A song came to mind that we listened to often in the van and at home when we do our chores. After the sermon we had communion, fellowshipped a bit, and made our way to the van.
Last year Stacy stumbled onto to some sovereign grace children's CD's and bought them for the children. They each follow a concept, like "Being like Jesus", "Sons and Daughters", etc. The one in the CD player was called 'Walking With The Wise." The twelth track is called, "God Loves A Generous Heart." This song proved to be a spring board for Ethan and I to discuss his offering dilemma.
Here's how the song goes:
God loves a generous heart, a generous heart
Yes, He does
God loves a generous heart, a generous heart
'Cause thats a heart like His own heart
Thats a heart like His own
verse 1
There are those who give away
It seems the more they give, the more they gain
It seems the more they give, the more they gain
There are those who hold back
The more they try to keep the more they lack
The more they lack
verse 2
God has shown us how to give
He offeredup His Son so we might live
Jesus gave His precious blood
To wash us clean and bring us back to God
Back to God
We can't out give God
For He's the Giver of life
And every good thing
We can't out give God
He just keeps pouring out more
He's the wonderful king
Matt Aldridge 2010 sovereign grace ministries
We listened to the song on the way home from church. When the song was over I asked Ethan several questions. What is the song trying to teach us? What kind of heart does God have? What kind of heart does God want us to have? What kind of heart did you have this morning? Was your heart generous or stingy? I finished with references to 2 Corinthians 9, emphasizing that God loves a cheerful giver.
Ethan's eyes welled up as the questions hit him one by one. He did not know exactly why he wanted to keep the money, but he did knew that his heart was not in the right before God. I explained that God freely gave us his Son Jesus Christ and that if he freely gave us his Son, then He will withold nothing from those who love Him (Romans 8:32-33). I also told him that God does not need our money, for He owns everything (Psalm 50:7-15). Our giving is our worship and trust in His sovereign goodness. Ethan has seen and heard this before.
Stacy and I have been very intentional in teaching our children about tithing. When we give money to people we have them pray with us and sometimes give with us when it is appropiate. We have been blessed with friends who have modeled tithing and giving for us and our children. (What is really cool is that a couple of them have found it in their heart to help us teach them titihing by giving them a dollar or so on a consistant basis so that they would have money to put in the offering plate. (This is one of many gifts of being in a Christian community.)
I did not know how to handle the gentleman who gave Ethan the dollar. His motive was purley kind and gracious. He saw Ethan in need and felt compassion for him. He was acting out his Christian faith. In that sense, he was a tremendous blessing to our family. On the other hand, Ethan was struggling to let go of 12 cents and in the process, he made a dollar. I did not want to think that pouting and sulking over not giving was a way to make money. What was I to do?
God was kind enough to show me that he gives abundantly more than we can ask for. At the end of the conversation I told Ethan that God was merciful in giving you a dollar. You reluctantly gave 12 cents, which is not worth much, and God gave you almost five times as much, abundantly more than you gave. Remember Ethan, "He who did not spare his own Son, but gave Him up for us all, how will he not also with Him graciously give us all things?" (Romans 8:32)
A few things I am grateful for.
1. God ordained circumstances and wisdom to work through them.
2. Godly childrens music that is sold out to King Jesus. (Sovereign Grace Ministries)
3. Faithful Christians who live out their faith before my children.
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