Saturday, January 21, 2012

Behind a Frowning Providence Hides A Smiling Face

Photo courteous of fotosearch

Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, nor his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.” v3
John 9:1-12

He was a man.  Not just a normal ordinary Jewish man, but one blind from birth (v1).  His parents were no longer able to support him and he was forced to make his living from begging (v8).  It was no secret to his neighbors, and the disciples for that matter, that he was a sinner, scorned by God.  How else could you explain why he was born with so much misfortune, right?

Jesus points out the error of this assumption to his disciples.  This man’s blindness was not from a specific sin, but served a divine purpose of God.  This blind man, a man considered unable and invalid by the world’s eyes(John 5:3), was to be an instrument in revealing light to a darkened a world; namely Jesus is the Christ.   In this light, the man’s disability was a blessing.

We live in a time where fate dominates the scene of our thinking.  How many times have we heard, when dealt with a tragedy, “It happened for a reason.” without knowing what the force behind the “it” really is?  Is it mere circumstance, fate, or happen chance?  No.  The bible is clear.  All things are from Him, through Him, and to Him, even blindness from birth (Exodus 4:11, Romans 11:36).  Everything we endure in this life, every moment of pleasure, every ounce of pain, comes from the sovereign hand of God.  And for the believer, the promise is even sweeter, it all works for our good (Romans 8:28).

We live in a world filled with darkness.  In darkness we groan in our disability, pain, unbelief, and death.  Take heart Christian, Christ is the light of the world (John 8:12).  He shines most in our weaknesses and gives them purpose.

Father we know You move in a mysterious way, Your wonders to perform; You plant Your footsteps in the sea and ride upon the storm…Help us not to judge Your works by feeble sense, but trust You for Your grace; because we know behind a frowning providence hides Your smiling face.”
                                                               “God Moves in a Mysterious Way”
                                                                        William Cowper

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