Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thank You

Dear Friends and Family,

I want to say thank you for your comments on the blog. It is intimidating to write something and then display it for the world to see. You guys have encouraged me to continue to write and share what God is doing in our family.
I have added some of you to my email list to receive an update whenever I have a new posting. I was only limited to 10 people, so if your not on the list and you want to be, let me know and I can see what I can do.
For your convenience, there is a comment section just below the title. You can leave a comment there and I will respond. It will save you time and inspire me.
All of you have wonderful things to say. I reap many benefits by just sitting down and listening to you. Since we live so far away and business keeps us busy, I do not have that luxury. So please, feel free to say what you want. I love to hear your perspective; constructive or not. be good and God bless.


  1. Great looking website, Jason. Keep up the good work. You are loved. Shirley Pennoyer

  2. Thank you Shirley. I appreciate your encouragement. Be good and God bless.

  3. I think this whole endeavor of yours pretty much just proves my point: the only reason we ever don't get along is because we're so much alike. lol. I'm sure God put you in little ol' Bristol for a reason.
    Prayin for you.


  4. I would agree.... for the most part. Be good and God bless Connie.
